
Quartz or Granite Worktops: What is the difference?

Quartz or Granite Worktops: What is the difference? Granite Worktops Quartz or Granite Worktops: What is the difference? Choosing a worktop for your kitchen or bathroom can be difficult. If you’re thinking of installing stone worktops, it’s likely that you will be considering granite worktops or quartz worktops.  When planning a new kitchen or bathroom, it’s important to choose the right material. This is especially true when it comes to materials such as granite and quartz because they are a long term investment for your home.  We have a huge number of customers who ask us what the differences between granite and quartz are so...

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How quartz worktops became a quarantine favourite

  Nothing makes you analyse the décor of your home more than being forced to look at it day in and day out. The pandemic has meant that we are spending more time indoors than perhaps ever before. This year has seen thousands of homeowners across the nation look for new ways to enhance their homes. This includes replacing their tired old kitchens and creating a hub for their families to enjoy. One of the most popular worktops people have chosen for their kitchens is quartz. Discover how quartz worktops have become so significant during the pandemic and why you should consider them...

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quartz worktops in kitchen with night time view from windows

Choose quartz worktops for a winter wonderland kitchen 

With winter well and truly on its way, you are bound to be spending more time indoors, away from the cold. This is the time of year even the most reluctant cooks look forward to creating hearty stews and soups.  However, your kitchen may not be living up to your ideal of what a cosy cooking spot should look like. Rejuvenate your kitchen this winter with gorgeous quartz worktops  that will make your home sparkle. With 2020 being declared the year that never was, make sure it ends on a high and treat yourself to a kitchen you truly deserve.    Dreaming...

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kitchen with countertop with sink flowers to decorate and open patio door to garden

Styling out quarantine with quartz worktops

  This year hasn’t been the best by any stretch of the imagination. However, homeowners are determined to find the silver-lining to the cloud that is Covid-19. Surprisingly, for many, this silver lining appears in the form of quartz worktops. Quarantine restrictions have meant that travel and socialising have been hindered in a big way. Because of this, people have been spending a lot more time in their homes. This is the time you notice when things need to be updated in the kitchen. Quartz, especially, has been a popular choice for hygiene-conscious homeowners who are ramping up their cleanliness levels during the...

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